Extracting and tailoring the “Adobe Reader X” installation.
Down load the enterprise version of Adobe Reader X (you will need to sign up on the Adobe website)
Then in the folder containing the Adobe X .exe file run on the command line
AdbeRdr1001_en_US.exe -nos_oc:\AdobeReaderMSI -nos_ne
The created folder “AdobeReaderMSI” at the drive root should have the.msi file and other setup files. In my case c:\ AdobeReaderMSI.
You can now tailor the Adobe X installation using the “Adobe Customization Wizard”, the Adobe wizard allows a range of settings to be edited. I wanted to get the option of creating PDF’s on line removed from the main window. The last thing I wanted was people converting company documents on line?
There are still some online options connected with sharing and converting pdf’s but not as obvious.
I have found Cutepdf very good for creating a pdf file, if you can print it you can convert it.
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