Good email Practice Tip
How to hide Email address’ in email header and avoid upsetting customers, clients etc
1. Create the email
2. Add your email address to the TO: address box (you always need a TO address)
3. Click on the TO: to left of the address box, this will normally display TO Address Box, CC Address Box. BCC Address Box
4. We need to add the address list or individual email address to the Bcc Address Box.
5. When the email is sent the recipients will only see the address that was put in the TO Box.
TO: yourself
BCC: Mailinglist;otherpeople
Why bother?
If you place all the email address’ in the TO box all recipients will see all the address, you may not want every body to be able to see all your customers.
If one of your email recipients has a PC infected with a Virus, spyware etc this could cause spam email to sent to any email address that can be found in address books, emails and documents.
Looks more professional.
People may forward the email on to another person; you may not want them to see your email address list.
TO: Main recipient
CC: Carbon Copy, copy some one in so they can see the email but not as the main recipient, email address visible to other recipients.
BCC: Blind Carbon Copy, copy some one in but not make there address visible to other recipients.
often wondered how people did that! Thanks, very helpful.