Monday, 29 March 2010

Adding an update to WSUS prior to release to WSUS

Selecting updates that are in the Microsoft Update Catalog but have yet not been released to WSUS. The Microsoft Update Catalog will also allow you to search for a specific update, then download the update so it can be installed at a later stage.

(Make sure auto approval is disabled)

Open up the WSUS console

Head to the bottom of the WSUS console page and select under the Resources tab, Microsoft Update Catalog.

Microsoft Update Catalog page
A browser window opens and prompts for you to install an activex, install and proceed to the “Microsoft Update Catalog page”

Enter update number in search box

Add updates, and the select basket (top page), Select import, and select wsus server

WSUS Console
In WSUS console, approve / disapprove the new updates

If Auto approve was set to on, then now reset to Auto approve

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Microsoft Browser Choice update, Prevent Browser Choice running on startup and WSUS

Microsoft Browser Choice update KB976002

Have just noticed "Browser Choice update" appear on some client pc's.  Very nice of Microsoft to give us the choice! I could not see an easy way of removing it, it didn't disappear on its own, in the end I had to edit the registry to remove the RUN entry at startup.

KB976002 – Browser Choice, This KB976002 is classified by Microsoft as: High Priority, Non-Security

I think this is in rsponse to EU regulations.

BBC News "Browser Choice"

Microsoft on The Issues Blog

what-is-the-browser-choice-update (Microsoft explanation)

What does the browser Choice screen look like? It is a web based process, which displays the following screen.
(link to browser Choice Screen)

How to prevent the Browser Choice window opening on startup,

If you have a different browser set as default (not Internet explorer) the choice window should not open.

I ran "Msconfig" to see where the correct key was in the registry (under Run) and then used "regedit" to remove it.
HCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\run and remove the key for  BrowserChoice, "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\browserchoice.exe" /run

(editing the registry is dangerous please only do it if you understand the risks)

Like many I thought it was a potential malware attack! It is nearly has hard to get rid of as some fake AV products.

I would have thought Microsoft would have had more press releases prior to release. Unfortunately like many business we are stuck with Microsoft.

A removal option and a large legal page to accept would have been a good option. To actually install this update in a way it can’t be removed is an abuse of their position, I am sure there will be some fall out.

The IT dept in the European courts are having an interesting time.

I would hate to have go around and disable this on a lot of pc’s, thank fully we use WSUS.

How to Remove Browser Choice Update KB 976002

The Browser Choice update can not be removed by using add remove programs. You can only stop it starting at startup see above.
WSUS deployment of the Browser Update KB 976002
Have been looking at how to avoid WSUS deployment of Browser Update, have set it to manually authorize updates, and now will need to keep checking until it arrives. We can then disallow the update

Microsoft Resource Centre Article on saying that the Browser Choice Update KB 976002 will be available to WSUS in April 2010! (took some finding)

A good idea From Alex, to stop WSUS installing Browser Choice Update KB 976002.

Related articles on the Browser Choice
The fall out of the browser update goes on, the Makers of the Smaller browser want to get noticed. It is not to obvious that there are more choices than visible in the main Choice Window.

Ther are bowsers listed that I have never heard of, but I am sure fill there own need. I prefer not to use Internet Explorer, but have no choice really in the corporate setting.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Upgrade vista to Windows 7 Dell XPS 1730 laptop

Upgrade vista to Windows 7 Dell XPS 1730 laptop

I had the advantage of doing a clean install of Vista Ultimate. The Dell website didn’t give any windows 7 upgrade or driver advice for this model.

I reinstalled vista with original drivers and a couple of the original apps and made sure it worked ok in its original state (no anti virus).
Compare differing version of Windows 7 (Microsoft website)

I then ran the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor to see what it would find, the only item it reported that may cause a problem was the intel pro wireless card (this had cause a problem with the vista install getting the correct driver from Dell (several different one listed).

From the vista screen I inserted the Windows 7 Ultimate CD and followed the install and the Upgrade existing version options (numerous reboots). Once it had finished, cant remember entering to much information apart from the CD Key.

The only item which caused a problem was the Intel Pro Wifi, I just reinstalled the vista drivers and it worked!

I was expecting a lot more pain, but was pleasantly surprised how straight forward it had gone. I have seen a few horror stories, but if you follow a logical path do the pre upgrade checks and make sure all is working prior to upgrade.

Dell Advise if there is no Windows 7 Driver, then try a Windows Vista driver
For driver support from dell for windows 7