Thursday, 13 August 2009

Multiport W200 WLAN card Compaq EVO N620

Compaq Evo Laptop fitted with the W200 Wireless Network card (Under silver case on Lid).

Problem / History

When the Laptop is powered up with the wireless card enabled or Fn + F2 keys are pressed the laptop "Blue Screen of Death" BSOD. The Laptop was running win xp pro with correct drivers, it worked fine at the customers premise (no bsod). I started the laptop to carry out work and BSOD appeared.

After reinstalling the drivers etc numerous times the fault was still present, Then I found this article on the HP website, The Multiport W200 card can't handle new wireless (WIFI) Access points (AP) with new extensions and features. The bottom line is get a PCMIA wifi card if you want to move around.
When some AP's are found the laptop installs a USB driver (don't know why) this is what causes the problem. (Xp can't handle this usb device driver and BSOD's)

Laptop back with customer and working fine on his Netgear Router (AP), who would believe it, I was a bit sceptical.

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